Copyright Permission Letter Format

To: Copyright Department E-Mail/P.O.Box number, (Company Name)
RE: Copyright

Dear Sirs,

My name is (Your Name), I am (age) years old and live in (full address).

I play a prestigious massively multiplayer online Role Playing Game called The King of Spades. (http:/

In this game, you create a superbeing and give him a real name and alter-ego name.

As per their legal rules, I am not allowed to use copyright names or portraits except with permission from the copyright holder.

I am a big fan of (Series/Comic/Show name). And I wanted permission to use the character: (Character Name) [and/or] his/her Alter-ego name (Alter-Ego Name) [and/or] his/her Superbeing/Alter-Ego portraits.

The permission will be in the form of non-exclusive rights to use the name(s) in the King of Spades.

I warrant that while using the name(s) I will attribute it to no one but (Company Name) to whom all credits are due.

I warrant not to use this non-exclusive permission for any kind of profit whether direct or indirect, from the use of the copyright names.

Signed (Your name)